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Jero Internet Engineering Ltd

Web Development

JeRo Internet Engineering Ltd is a locally owned and operated web development company. We specialise in building content managed websites using open source software that gives the client full control over their online presence. We actively encourage and support clients to make their own content changes as and when they see fit.

We hate being locked in to a particular software vendor, which is why we use an open source content management system. This ensures that there are no ongoing licensing costs or other charges and the client is free to host or move their site wherever they choose. We are specialists in the concrete5 CMS, which is a well designed and very secure system, which is easy to customise and more importantly very easy to use. Its point of difference is the in-page editing interface, which does away with the need to access the darkest corner of an obscure dashboard or admin panel.

Naturally, we much prefer to be hosting the website since this gives us full control over every aspect of the site. There is nothing worse than your site being down, and finding yourself the piggy in the middle while your web host and designer argue over whose fault it is. We have several dedicated servers located in an Auckland data centre which ensures a fast response time and an excellent loading time.

In addition to our web development skills, we have Linux certified engineers who know how web servers operate and have the skills to fix them. We are a one stop shop for all your web site requirements.

Apart from general website development, we are skilled in web application development, that is websites that actually do something rather than just look good. Whether you need a booking engine, a custom online shop, or an application that automates and integrates with other software such as Xero, we have the skills and knowledge to design and build you a solution.